NDIS Assessments

Assessments to guide intervention plans and to identify reasonable and necessary supports

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With a team of behaviour support practitioners, psychologists, and allied health professionals, we’re able to complete the assessments listed below. We will ensure you are linked with a qualified practitioner to administer and interpret each individual assessment.

Cognitive Assessments

Adaptive Functioning Assessments

Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessments

Behaviour Assessments

Cognitive Assessments

Cognitive assessments provide clinical interpretations of an individual’s intellectual and cognitive functioning. These assessments may assist in helping families and support networks better understand an individual’s strengths, areas that may need additional therapeutic supports, and learning styles. These assessments can also assist in guiding recommendations for reasonable and necessary supports now and into the future. 

boy having cognitive assessment with Tedoo practitioner
guy having assessment with a Tedoo practitioner

Adaptive Functioning Assessments

Adaptive Functioning Assessments provide valuable insight into the impact of an individual’s disability across all domains of their life. These assessments communicate how the person is functioning, where their strengths lie and where additional support may be required. These assessments can also assist in guiding recommendations for reasonable and necessary supports now and into the future.

Austism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Assessments

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Assessments are administered to assess an individual’s functioning with consideration to deficits in social communication and social interaction, and by repetitive patterns of behaviour and restricted interests. ASD assessments are guided by the National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Australia.

These assessments can assist in guiding recommendations for reasonable and necessary support now and into the future.

Tedoo practitioner assessing a child building blocks
Practitioner conducting an assessment

Behaviour Support Assessments

Behaviour Assessments provide a comprehensive review of an individual’s behaviour support needs. Our experienced practitioners will review all relevant information and will administer a number of behaviour and executive functioning assessments to assist in making evidence-based recommendations on behaviour support needs. A review of the use of Restrictive Practices is also undertaken to assist with the recommendations for reasonable and necessary supports. 

These assessments can also assist in guiding recommendations for reasonable and necessary supports now and into the future.

Practitioner conducting an assessment

Behaviour Assessments

To meet a participant’s needs fully and to understand what support they need and why, we’ll complete an initial behaviour assessment. This assessment allows us to understand the person’s needs and create a provisional list of supports that may aid that behaviour and create a better quality of life for the person.

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